
Please check the box beside each guideline:


1. ROOM USE: We hope your room makes you feel at home. We ask that you use the comforts of your room at least once a day. If you are unable to do this, please speak to the Guest Services Manager. For safety, guest families may not enter the room of another guest family.


2. PARTICIPATE IN CARE: Families must be involved in the care of the patient. This includes visiting the patient at least once a day when they are receiving inpatient care.


3. ELIGIBILITY: Eligible families will meet criteria regarding age, distance, type of appointments qualifying as specialty care, frequency of appointments and will use their room daily. All details regarding eligibility can be reviewed on our Eligibility to Stay form. Our team can help provide you with a copy if requested.


4. NUMBER OF GUESTS: Guests per room may consist of patient(s), sibling(s), two guardians, and up to two additional adult support people. As room sizes vary, please speak with a manager to determine the maximum number of room occupants for your room. Anyone outside the immediate family must be helping to serve as support for the family and must be approved by a manager. Approved background checks are required for all adults. Beyond the registered occupants of the room, there are no additional visitors allowed.


5. SUPERVISION: Our House has many fun places for your child to explore. For their safety, all children under 12 must be always with an adult and anyone under 18 may not be left alone on property at any time. This includes siblings and patients. Children may not be left with another guest family. All patients (regardless of age) staying at the House must be accompanied by a related adult, guardian or caregiver over the age of 18.


6. FAMILY FRIENDLY: We want to ensure that your time with us can be spent focused on your child. Therefore, our House maintains a family-friendly environment. Because of this, we do not tolerate any threats or acts of violence, disruptive behavior, harassment, domestic violence, child abuse, physical punishment or anything else that would add stress to your life and the lives of all our families, volunteers, staff and visitors. This includes the use of social media and respecting the privacy of others. Confidential information or use of names, photos or other identifying characteristics of other guest families may not be used or shared without consent. We have quiet hours between 10pm and 9am.


7.  INFECTIOUS DISEASE: We work hard to maintain a safe environment for all guests. We require:

  •    For the safety of everyone, please inform a manager if anyone in your family, including additional guests, has any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, may have been exposed to COVID-19, has an infectious disease, or a contagious illness. We appreciate your honesty and will assist you with next steps at that time.
  •    Masks are required to be worn outside of your room in the South Wing for any guest aged two years and above. Surgical, KN95, or N95 masks are strongly recommended. Gaiters and face shields are not permitted. Masks are optional in the Central Wing and Tower of our House.

8. SAFETY: Our House prohibits the use or possession of any deadly weapons, illegal substances, alcohol, marijuana, and/or tobacco and vaping products. The exception is utilizing a designated area for all tobacco and vaping product users. Our team will show you to this area upon request. Shoes and appropriate clothing must be always worn when outside of your sleeping room or active playroom.


9. CLEANING: We know you have so much going on and appreciate your help keeping your room and other spaces clean while using them.

  •    Please empty your garbage regularly and bring all dishes and trays down to the tray collection area. Wash the linens in your room as needed and return linens to the beds in a timely manner. Cleaning supplies are provided in your room and available upon request.
  •    In the family kitchens rinse off your dishes and place them in the dishwashers. Please clean up counters and cooking spaces utilized. In our dining rooms and common areas, we appreciate your help wiping areas down with disinfectant wipes after using them.
  •    Parents of children over age 12 are responsible for ensuring their child cleans up after using the common spaces even if you aren’t in the same room.
  •    The laundry rooms are shared by multiple families. Please switch over your laundry in a timely manner and follow procedures located in the laundry rooms.

10. ROOM ACCESS: To keep our House safe, we complete room checks twice a month. We may also need to enter your room for an emergency, for maintenance work or to do a routine room check. We reserve the right to enter your room for the health and safety of all guests staying with us and appreciate your understanding in advance.



  •      Fire Alarms: Our fire alarms are sensitive to keep everyone in our House safe. We do NOT do fire drills, so if they are going off, please evacuate. For your safety, a full evacuation plan is on the back of your room door.
  •      Calling 911: In case of an emergency, we are here to help. Please use your room phone to call 911. Our Guest Services staff will automatically be notified and can direct emergency personnel to your room when they arrive

These House guidelines are in place to keep your family safe and able to focus on the care of your child. Not following the House Guidelines may affect your eligibility to stay. Please note: a member of our team will be available during Check-In to read and discuss the above information. The House guidelines can be found on our app and on room TVs. A copy of these guidelines is available upon request.

We are happy to welcome you into this loving home, and we simply ask for your care and respect for our House, our staff and our very giving volunteers. We hope you find all the comforts of home with us. We are always available for questions, concerns or just to lend a listening ear.

Agreement Regarding Guests Receiving Medical Treatment While Staying at the Ronald McDonald House

Ronald McDonald House Charities’ staff, board of directors and volunteers do not accept responsibility for guests receiving medical treatment while residing at the Ronald McDonald House. Please read the statement below. Placing a check mark in the box beside each item as the “Responsible Party” indicates your agreement to follow the procedures indicated for patients receiving medical care during their stay at the Ronald McDonald House.

The Responsible Party is responsible for being present to accept medical supplies and equipment delivered to the House or arranging for their acceptance by someone other than the Ronald McDonald House staff or volunteers.
If medical procedures are to be performed in the House by a visiting nurse or other medical professional, they will be conducted in the privacy of the family’s bedroom. The Responsible Party is responsible for meeting the health care professional at the front door during off-hours visits.
All medications must be under the direct control of the Responsible Party.
Refrigerated medications and breast milk must be kept in the refrigerator inside of the family’s bedroom.
The Responsible Party is responsible for ensuring the proper disposal of medical waste and must consult with medical personnel regarding disposal methods. Medical waste must never be discarded inside the House.
An approved sharps disposal container is allowed in the House for temporary use for the disposal of intravenous needles. The approved sharps container must be return by the Responsible Party to the proper disposal source and not disposed of in the general waste containers, in any other containers or anywhere in or on the grounds of the House.
Should a family staying at the House require mechanical medical support that requires electricity to function, such equipment must have its own battery back up (in addition to its internal battery) or other alternative power source in the event of a power failure. The House does not have a backup power source.
In non-emergency situations of illness, injury or any medical matter, the House will refer the guest to the Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
The Ronald McDonald House will call 911 in all medical emergencies. CPR can only be initiated by a CPR-certified staff member, if present, until medical help arrives. The Responsible Party shall inform the resident manager of any Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) instructions.
The House reserves the right on an individual basis to refuse admission or ask a guest to vacate the premises if the patient cannot be safely accommodated or presents a health risk to others.
Eligibility to stay at the Ronald McDonald House is dependent upon the patient, parent or guardian signing an Authorization for Disclosure of Limited Protected Health Information to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati (M1034) during the registration process and prior to staying at RMHC. Information known by CCHMC which could pose a health or safety concern for RMHC staff, families or volunteers or potentially jeopardize the family’s eligibility to stay at RMHC, such as evidence of substance abuse or inappropriate or threatening conduct, will be shared confidentially with RMHC.
The Responsible Party agrees that Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati, its Board of Directors, employees, volunteers or any other persons related to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati are not responsible for any physical harm that may occur as a result of such medical treatment to any guest being treated by Cincinnati Children’s Medical Hospital while staying at the House.

Agreement to Waive and Release all Claims

Name of Adult Guest:
Name of Accompanying Minor(s):

I agree that the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati, including its affiliates, employees, officers, agents, board members, and volunteers (collectively referred to as “RMHC” or “the House”), is not responsible for the care or safety of me, my child, my property, or any other persons who will have access to the House because of my stay. Among other things, if during a temporary absence from the House I leave my minor child with a relative responsible for the minor child, the House does not assume a duty of care or any other duty for the minor child or for the responsible relative.
Additionally, I agree to release, waive and forever discharge RMHC (as defined above) from any liability, claims, damages, attorneys’ fees, and demands of every kind and nature whatsoever arising out of or resulting from my stay at the House and/or visit to the House by my family members, agents, invitees, visitors, and/or other parties (collectively “Guest Parties”).
Finally, I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless RMHC (as defined above) from and against any and all claims, damages, attorneys’ fees, and demands of any kind or nature whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of or caused in whole or in part by any act or omission of me or any Guest Parties (as defined above).

Photo and Written Materials Release for Guest Families and Overnight Visitors

I hereby grant to Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC), its local Chapters and programs, advertising and promotional agencies, and their agents, and McDonald’s (collectively, “RMHC”), the irrevocable, unrestricted right to use, publish, display and distribute materials bearing the name, voice, likeness or any other identifiable representation of myself, of all members of my family as listed on my request for lodging. These materials may appear in any form, style, color or medium whatsoever now or hereafter known (including, without limitation, photographs, videotapes, films, sound recordings, software, drawings, testimonials, thank you letters, public journal entries, prints, broadcast, internet and electronic media).
I agree that all materials containing any identifiable representation of me and my family (including, without limitation, all negatives, plates and masters of any photographs, files, prints, notes/letters or tapes) shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of RMHC, and I hereby assign any proprietary right I may have acquired in or to such material to RMHC. I hereby release and forever discharge RMHC from any and all liability and damages relating to the use of my name, voice, likeness or any other identifiable representation of me.
I hereby waive any right I may have to inspect or approve the finished materials or any part or element thereof that incorporates my name, voice, likeness or any other identifiable representation of myself.
I have agreed to the above in consideration of the opportunity given to me by RMHC to appear in these materials. I acknowledge that I have fully read and understand this document and that I have had any questions regarding its effect or the meaning of its terms answered to my satisfaction. I certify that I am at least 18 years of age.
I represent that I am a parent or legal guardian of the person(s) listed in my request for lodging who is/are a minor(s). I consent to the use of my/his/her name, voice, likeness and/or other identifiable representation of me/him/her as set forth above.

Please check one of the boxes below:
I accept the photo and written materials release.
I decline the photo and written materials release.

ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE AND CONSENT STATEMENT: RMHC is using electronic signatures on its Application For Temporary Residence and Criminal History Background Report Authorization forms instead of handwritten signatures. Both forms will be completed by me “on-line” and sent electronically to RMHC. I will use a key pad, mouse, or other computer device to select an item, button, icon, checkbox, or type any text to confirm my acceptance and agreement to the terms and conditions in those two documents. By doing so, I consent and agree my electronic signature on those forms is the same as if I actually signed those forms in writing. It is my intent that the electronic signature serves as my signature. I also agree that it is not necessary for RMHC to independently verify (by itself or through a third party) my electronic signature. The lack of any independent verification shall not affect the enforceability of my electronic signature. 

Type your electronic signature here: