Patient must be 21 years of age or under, or an expectant mother.
Guests staying in the house must be 18 years of age or have a parent/legal guardian with them at all times.

A referral does not guarantee a room.
We operate on a first come, first serve basis until the house is a full.
When the House is full, we will have a wait list, the family will be contacted when a room is available.

Hospital Staff Title or Position:



U.S. / Canadian Postal Code lookup



Is this a high risk pregnancy?
Is there any reason the family would not be appropriate for the RMH?
CPS current investigation or previous conviction?
Pest infestation?
Convicted Sex offender?
Convicted violent offender?

Is referral is from NTU or Lilly’s Place?
Did mother have a positive drug screen for any substance that was not prescribed to her?
If answer is no, skip ahead to "Special Needs/Notes".
Is mother in a drug recovery program?
If yes, Name of program:
Length of time in drug recovery program:

Special needs/Notes: