Complete and submit the form below.
If you have any questions, call 701-232-3980.

Yes   No

Have you asked your child's doctor's office or social worker at the hospital to send RMHC a referral?
Transportation Needed?
Handicap Accessibility Needed?


Number of Adults Staying?
Number of Children Staying?

Physical Address
U.S. / Canadian Postal Code lookup

I agree to receive texts at this number.

Please list all guests who will be staying at the House


Add Another Guest

Vehicle Information

Off-site Emergency Contact
Relationship to Patient

Guest Health Screening

Please answer YES or NO to all of the questions below.
Fever higher than 100.4ºF (38ºC) in the past 72 hours?
Yes No
Vomiting in the past 2 days?
Yes No
Stiff neck or headache with a fever in the past 2 days?
Yes No
Diarrhea in the past 2 days?
Yes No
Current skin lesions that are "weepy" (fluid or pus-filled)?
Yes No
ANY current skin rash?
Yes No
Current cold or flu symptoms (runny nose, cough, congestion)?
Yes No
Exposure to Tuberculosis (TB) in the past 2 months?
Yes No
Exposure to any of the following within the past 3 weeks?
Whooping Cough
No illness listed above

Coronavirus-related Health Questions
Do you have a fever, chills, sore throat, cough, new onset of shortness of breath, new onset loss of taste or smell, or new onset muscle pain, or have a pending COVID-19 test because you were having any of these symptoms?
Yes No
In the last 14 days, have you been exposed to anyone with a lab confirmed COVID-19 test or have you had a COVID-19 positive test results?
Yes No
Do you have a pending COVID-19 test without any of the symptoms previously mentioned?
Yes No
Have you been told by a healthcare provider or public health official that you should self-quarantine due to potential COVID-19 exposure?
Yes No

I/We consent to a criminal background check: