Peoria Ronald McDonald House
Overnight Guests
This online registration process allows you to apply for temporary residence at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Illinois (RMHCCI) according to our policies. Please complete all the information so we may process your request.
To be eligible to stay at the Peoria Ronald McDonald House, families must:
1. Have a patient 21 years or younger receiving medical treatment in Peoria. This individuals hospital stays, appointments, inpatient, out patient case. It also includes medical, behavorial health/mental health, dental, vision and hearing care. Note: individuals seeking to stay at the House that are under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
2. Live more than 20 miles from the Peoria Ronald McDonald House.
3. Successfully complete a criminal background check (for guests 18 and older) (at the expense of RMHCCI).
1. Have a patient 21 years or younger receiving medical treatment in Peoria. This individuals hospital stays, appointments, inpatient, out patient case. It also includes medical, behavorial health/mental health, dental, vision and hearing care. Note: individuals seeking to stay at the House that are under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
2. Live more than 20 miles from the Peoria Ronald McDonald House.
3. Successfully complete a criminal background check (for guests 18 and older) (at the expense of RMHCCI).
4. Be actively involved in the child's care.
Completing this documentation is not a reservation and does not guarantee that a room is available for you. Once your information has been processed and a room becomes available, you will be contacted. Please contact the staff with any questions at (309) 401-2525 between 8a-Midnight 7 days a week.