If you are the patient / legal guardian or caregiver of a patient receiving medical care in the Coeur d' Alene area, please complete the following record. Social workers and medical staff can also send referrals. Remember, all families referred to places operated by the Kootenai Health Hospitality Center must meet the minimum eligibility requirements.

To stay at Hospitality Center Walden House, guests must:

  • Be the independently cared for patient or caregiver of someone who is receiving medical care or treatment at Kootenai Health or a Kootenai Health approved cllinic.

  • Maintain a permanent home address

  • Be willing and able to pass a search or the national sex offender registry. 

  • In light of the ever-growing need to provide affordable lodging accomodations for patients, their families, and employees, Kootenai Health will increase the nightly rate for eligible families beginning February 1st, 2025.  Kootenai Health remains committed to providing services to the community and partners on the Ironwood campus proximity.  If you have further questions on the increase of nightly rate, please contact Kootenai Health Guest Services, Justin Schorzman, at jschorzman@kh.org.

  • Kootenai Health Patients and Employees - $75/night

    • For Hospitality Center Walden House financial concerns, call 208-625-5042 to speak with a social worker and get a referral

    • Out of Network Hospitals / Clinics - $109/night

Social Worker Link

New Family      Returning Family      Nueva familia      Familia que regresa